RegJumper Crack Registration Code Free

RegJumper Crack Registration Code Free
RegJumper is a command line registry navigator. Its purpose is to make Regedit.exe jump to (select) specified by the user registry key or value. RegJumper is a command line utility that you can use to navigate in the RegEdit window. After entering the corresponding command line, the RegEdit window opens. RegJumper is a command line utility that you can use to navigate in the RegEdit window. After entering the corresponding command line, the RegEdit window opens. RegJumper is a command line utility that you can use to navigate in the RegEdit window. After entering the corresponding command line, the RegEdit window opens. Documentation Detailed information is available in its documentation and in its user manual. Download Version 1.0.3 (released on Nov 25, 2009) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.0.3 (released on Jan 19, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.0.4 (released on Feb 16, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.1 (released on April 14, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.2 (released on June 14, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.3 (released on July 30, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.3.1 (released on Aug 28, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.4 (released on Sept 16, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.4.1 (released on Oct 27, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.5 (released on Nov 14, 2010) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems. Version 1.5.1 (released on Jan 11, 2011) Download available for MS Windows, as well as for Linux and Macintosh operating systems
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RegJumper KEYMACRO: Jump (select) to Key/Value. KEYMACRO Usage: The KEYMACRO command enables you to jump (select) to a specified registry key or value in the'regedit.exe' window. For example, this command enables you to jump (select) the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' registry key to a specific registry value in the'regedit.exe' window. You can also use the 'KEYMACRO' command to select a specified key value when the'regedit.exe' window is closed. KEYMACRO Usage Commands: The KEYMACRO command enables you to jump (select) to a specified registry key or value in the'regedit.exe' window. For example, this command enables you to jump (select) the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' registry key to a specific registry value in the'regedit.exe' window. The ':KEYMACRO' command enables you to jump (select) to a specified registry key or value in the'regedit.exe' window. For example, this command enables you to jump (select) the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' registry key to a specific registry value in the'regedit.exe' window. Notice: KEYMACRO: can only work in the Windows 7 Registry. For Windows 8/10, use: "" or %windir%/SysWOW64/regedit.exe" %1 -n Full examples: This command enables you to jump (select) the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' registry key to a specific registry value in the'regedit.exe' window: RegJumper "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\Notepad.exe" This command enables you to jump (select) the 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon' registry key to a specific registry value in the'regedit.exe' window: RegJumper "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" b78a707d53
RegJumper Download [2022]
RegJumper is a program for registry navigation and browsing. RegJumper is a command line utility to navigate and explore registry keys and values, and it can be used to navigate the registry tree (hives) of Windows. Download: Click here to download the program Screenshots: Requirements: This application is free for non-commercial use only. It is running on a Windows 2000 or later, and it is recommended to have Windows XP or later. The minimum supported registry version is Windows XP. It will work on any Microsoft Windows compatible system, including Apple Macintosh. Grammar: RegJumper is a command line utility for Windows. It is to help users find and browse registry keys and values. You can use RegJumper to open the registry tree (hives) of Windows. RegJumper is a utility for Windows, it can browse registry data of your Windows system. RegJumper is a command line utility for Windows. The first version of the RegJumper is version 1.0. Features: RegJumper can help you browse the registry tree and get some information about registry keys and values. RegJumper can get you some information about key and its values, and it also can help you find the key and values that you need. You can save the registry data that you find on the registry tree. You can get the registry information as a text file. You can browse a file in the registry tree and get the registry information. You can change the view of the registry tree (hives) in RegJumper. You can get some more information about the keys and their values, including the value's Data, Attributes, and Value, etc. You can change the registry key's path by using the RegJumper. You can open the registry tree (hives) with different ways. You can search the key and values in the RegJumper. You can search or select the key or value in the RegJumper. You can search for some string in the RegJumper. You can save the key and values of the RegJumper in text files. License: RegJumper is free for non-commercial use only. Donations: RegJumper is
What's New In?
RegJumper is a command line registry navigator. Its purpose is to make Regedit.exe jump to (select) specified by the user registry key or value. The aim of this utility is to help users who are not familiar with Registry. Version History 1.0: Initial release Legal notice: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Get the latest version of RegJumper at: License: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Requirements: In order to run the program, you must have the following: - Windows 2000 or higher - Access to Internet - The latest update of "RegEdit" (not only the original version, but any of them) New Features: - Print out the location of the selected item - Print out the description of the selected item - Print out the value and the data size of the selected item - Save user-specified keys to the "savedkeys" directory - Write the selected data into the savefile.dat Bug Fixes: - Corrected the path to the savefile.dat. The archive contains the source code and three samples: 1.
System Requirements For RegJumper:
Windows 7 (64bit) Windows 10 (64bit) Minimum: 2.0 GHz Processor 1 GB RAM 25 GB Free Disk Space DirectX9 compatible video card Internet connection Mac OS X 2 GB RAM DirectX compatible video card Is it possible to control a win9x/xp/vista machine with my iPad? No.
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