SREP (formerly SuperREP) 3.01 Download X64

SREP (formerly SuperREP) 3.01 Download X64
SREP is an extremely fast data recovery program that allows a user to have a virtually unlimited amount of disk space available. It consists of three main components, an index file, a disk cache file, and a portion of the file being recovered. The disk cache file stores a binary representation of the data in the index file. The index file contains information used to reconstruct the data that is stored in the cache file and then the data is reconstructed in the order that it is stored. Homepage: Instructions to install SREP: Compile SREP using make. Copy the binary into /usr/local/srep. Create a symlink to the binary file pointing to the installed location. Installing SREP on CentOS 5 [root@centos1 ~]# yum install -y lzop bzip2 gzip zlib bzip2-devel zip-devel [root@centos1 ~]# cd /usr/local/src [root@centos1 local]# ls read-line
SREP (formerly SuperREP) 3.01 [April-2022]
K is hashed to match key of specified keyring. S is hashed to match source file or file to be altered. E is hashed to match encrypted file. I is hashed to match file in current directory. To create key for keyring in current directory the -k option is used: -k path to keyring file. To have keyring without any keys in it and just for the purpose of duplicating hashes, use -k "NoKey". To have hash for specific file, use -k "file name". To have hash for all files in directory use -k "*" (remember to not use -k "*.*", but rather "*"). SREPL Support: It can create.srep files using SREP options -m, -k and -a, -r (optional). It can also rewrite.srep files using SREP options -b, -e and -f. It supports all SREP options listed below and can be used together with all GNU utilities such as xz, bzip2 and gzip. It is NOT related to the SREP file format, but rather it supports SREP file in any format that has a header of few bytes at the beginning. SREP Format: Number of chunks 1 Number of hash functions in use 1 Key size 4 File size L Layers 1 File size without header L Hash functions (one of them is taken from hash) 1 Digest size 4 Incoming chunks from same file but different positions 1 Outgoing chunks (number of chunks is the same as number of chunks in the incoming part) 1 Password 2 Uncompressed size 1 Compression ratio 1 (Must be zero) Encryption type 0 - nlg (not supported yet) [header] [data] [footer] Version of this format (currently 2.0) SREP compression performance can be improved by specifying longer header (as much as possible) to indicate L (layer) factor. However, longer header will increase memory consumption of SREP utility. You can use SREP without compression (with -c option) and then compress it with xz or bzip2 (or any other compressor supporting.srep file format). b78a707d53
SREP (formerly SuperREP) 3.01 X64 [Latest 2022]
REP stands for "REmote PARSing". It's a CLI tool that helps to parse files and compare them to dictionaries in order to find matches for the given pattern(s). REP can parse files without reading them in RAM. REP works only on compressed files or data stream provided by SREP. REP is a command line tool. You can use it with arguments like following: REP -l512 []... Example 1: compress -l512 ~tmp/*.file > ~tmp/file.hash SREP has many options, such as (see SREP manual for details): -m or -ml or -l -m1 or -ml1 or -l1 -m2 or -ml2 or -l2 -m3 or -ml3 or -l3 -m4 or -ml4 or -l4 -m4l or -ml4l or -l4l -l or -ll or -lL -ll or -lL or -l -lM or -lmL or -lm -lC or -lLC or -lc -m4lC or -l4LC or -lc -m4lC or -l4LC or -lc
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SREP (Super-REAL-Fast-Parsing-Program) is an enhanced version of GNU zip, in particular with regard to speed and disk space usage. It is used to process files with sizes that are up to 2^64 or even 2^64 - 1. The original GNU zip is very limited in this respect (by necessity), as a priori knowledge of the file format is required. SREP only requires reading of the file signature, and is capable of processing files that are up to 512Mb or even more. SREP is capable of processing files of that size, so even files that are more than 2^64Mb do not need to be split into blocks. SREP also supports dictionaries larger than available memory, with a maximum dictionary size of 2^31 or 4GB. SREP can handle dictionaries larger than available RAM, as priori knowledge of the dictionary is not required. SREP allows compression using almost any of the formats that are currently supported by the GNU zip suite, and optionally allows compression using the xz format. SREP can handle the xz format using the lzma2 library. The compression can be done using the "fast" or "slower" method. "slower" refers to decompression speed, i.e. decompression with xz using a very small dictionary (deflate) will be slower, while "fast" is for decompression speed when using a dictionary (deflate) larger than available RAM. SREP uses the lzma2 library, or zlib in the case of xz compression. Installation: To install it just put SREP.ZIP to directory with executables (i.e. /usr/local/bin) and run: chmod +x SREP.ZIP ./SREP.ZIP --help Usage: The program reads a file into memory (hash or uncompressed) and compresses it using LZMA2 or XZ libraries. SREP -m2 - compresses using 2*8MB buffers The default is 2*8MB, which is the same as -m1. - compresses using fast method, - deflate or zlib with a dictionary size of 2^31 bytes, - deflate or zlib with a dictionary size of 4GB (default), - lzma2 with a dictionary size of 2^31 bytes, - lzma2 with a dictionary size of 4GB (
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